helmet crest on black
Cool headshaves page
Female headshaving
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Ceska stranka
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Welcome to my page for enthusiast of barberettes and headshaving!

Last updated 13 february 2002

For more information about updates click HERE!!!

A Cool headshaves is my first page. My English is not very good (I has study it only 10 years) so excuse it. I think that the most important is what this page offers. So fast your seats and go scan my site.



Ahoj, vitam vas na mych strankach. Omluvte prosim, ze je vetsina veci v anglictine, ale chci aby tato stranka byla atraktivni nejen pro lidi z Ceske Republiky, ale i pro ostatni. Doufam, ze to pochopite! Pokud mate nejake prispevky (fotky, pribehy a to at uz skutecne ci fiktivni),tak mi je prosim zaslete na muj email.


I am using in site some photos from others site. If you has copyright for any material in my site email me and I will get off!!!



21. rijna 2001
21 October 2001